The 100 tesla magnet system at the National Laboratory of Intense Magnetic Fields in Toulouse, France. Credit: Nanda Gonzague. Strange metals, or non-Fermi liquids, are distinct states of matter that have been…
Tag: motion
Mystery behind jelly comb motion solved by newly discovered protein
Graphic abstract. Credit: Current biology (2022). DOI: 10.1016/j.cub.2022.09.061 The rainbow of moving lights seen along comb jellies is one of the most fascinating sights in the ocean. Now Japanese researchers have discovered…
Twinning in Pb nanocrystals via interchange motion movements
Nanomesh materials have been widely studied over the past decade following the discovery of their much higher hardness and strength than their twinless counterparts. Despite the frequent encounter of twins in nanocrystals…
NDP ‘Greedflation’ motion calling for inquiry into grocery store prices gets unanimous support from MPs
NDP motion calling on federal government to take action to fight ‘greed’ and investigate grocery chain profits received unanimous support from MPs In Monday. The motion called the grocery giants for making…